
Beyond Traditional Impressions: Benefits of Intraoral Scanners for Patients & Dentists

Dental impressions are an essential part of the dental treatment process, allowing dentists to create accurate models of a patient's teeth and gums for a variety of procedures such as restorative dentistry, dental implants, and orthodontic treatment. Traditionally, dental impressions were taken using a putty-like material that was pressed into the patient's mouth and left to set for several minutes. However, advances in technology have led to the development of intraoral scanners. Intraoral scanners are small, handheld devices that use advanced imaging technology to capture highly accurate digital impressions of a patient's teeth and gums, which offer numerous advantages over traditional impressions for both patients and dentists. In this blog post, we will explore the main benefits of intraoral scanners for patients and dentists.


    Benefits for Patients    

1. Improved Comfort and Reduced Anxiety
One of the biggest advantages of intraoral scanners is that they are much more comfortable for patients than traditional impressions. Traditional dental impressions often involve the use of a bulky, uncomfortable tray filled with a putty-like material that must be held in the patient's mouth for several minutes. This process can be uncomfortable, gag-inducing, and anxiety-provoking for many patients, particularly those with a sensitive gag reflex or dental phobia. In contrast, intraoral scanners are far less invasive and require minimal contact with the teeth and gums, resulting in a more comfortable and positive experience for the patient.


2. Faster Appointments
Intraoral scanning is a quick and efficient process, often taking just a matter of seconds to complete a digital impression. This means that patients can spend less time in the dental chair and more time enjoying their day. With traditional impressions, the putty must be left to set for several minutes before it can be removed. This can be time-consuming and inconvenient for patients.


3. Greater Accuracy
The high-resolution 3D images captured by intraoral scanners offer a level of detail and accuracy that is difficult to achieve with traditional impressions. This leads to better-fitting restorations and appliances, ultimately resulting in increased patient satisfaction and improved treatment outcomes. For traditional impressions, there is a risk of distortion or inaccuracies due to the putty material shifting or moving during the impression process, whereas intraoral scanners capture highly accurate digital impressions that are less prone to distortion or inaccuracy.


    Benefits for dentists    

1. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
Intraoral scanners simplify the impression-taking process, reducing the time and resources needed to create dental restorations and appliances. Digital impressions can be easily shared with dental labs and other specialists, eliminating the need for physical transport of traditional impressions. This results in faster turnaround times and increased productivity.


2. Better Treatment Planning and Communication
The detailed 3D models generated by intraoral scanners allow dentists to better visualize and plan treatments, leading to more precise and effective results. Digital models can also be easily shared with patients, helping to improve understanding and communication about their dental needs and treatment options.


3. Reduced Costs and Eco-Friendly
Digital impressions eliminate the need for disposable impression materials and trays, reducing waste and the associated environmental impact. Additionally, digital files can be stored indefinitely without taking up physical space, further minimizing the dental practice's environmental footprint.


Overall, intraoral scanners offer more advantages over traditional impressions for both patients and dentists. They are more comfortable, faster, and more transparent for patients, while also improving the overall workflow, team communication, and precision for dentists. Therefore, investing in an intraoral scanner is a wise decision for dentists seeking to boost the efficiency and productivity of their practice while providing better patient care and expanding their services.

Ready to embrace digital transformation and take your dental practice to the next level? Discover the power of advanced intraoral scanning technology with Launca intraoral scanners. Request a Demo Today!

 Launca intraoral scanners


Post time: Jul-12-2023